Stay away from Chandler Fashion Center mall today
(too old to reply)
Michelle Steiner
2011-01-05 20:38:58 UTC
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.

€ LIVESTREAM: Hostages Taken At Chandler Mall

A law enforcement official confirmed to CBS 5 News that the suspect was
holding two hostages in the restaurant after eluding police in the mall.

The suspect is believed to be the same man inadvertently released from a
Pinal County Jail after a Dec. 11 shootout with DPS officers.

Law officials were reporting that the hostages were taken after the suspect
was involved in a shootout with officers just after noon at the mall.

Sgt. Joe Favazzo of the Chandler Police Department said the mall at Loop
101 and Chandler Boulevard was in lock-down mode and occupants were being
evacuated. He urged people to stay away from the area. No law enforcement
personnel were reported injured.

Helicopter video showed police officers with guns drawn crouching in front
of a Baja Fresh restaurant at the mall. Chopper audio said more shots might
have been fired.

A law enforcement official told CBS 5 News the shooting involved Daniel
Munoz Perez, a Pinal County Jail inmate who was mistakenly released on $320
bond on Dec. 17. Perez is accused of shooting at Arizona Department of
Public Safety officers Dec. 11 outside a home in Casa Grande.

Calls of shots fired at the mall were heard on emergency scanners about
12:10 p.m. Wednesday. Police officers immediately began setting up a
perimeter around the mall.

A Chandler police spokesman said officers were investigating an armed
robbery that happened before noon near the mall. The suspects were spotted
near the mall and officers followed and confronted one suspect near the
loading dock at Sears. The suspect shot at police before running into the
mall, the spokesman said.

Perez, 25, was injured by gunfire in the shootout with DPS officers,
admitted to a Phoenix hospital for treatment and held in another county's
jail before being turned over to Pinal County.

But the Pinal County Sheriff's Office said it never received the charging
paperwork for Perez and he bonded out on the misdemeanor warrant.
Tea Party Patriots is to Patriotism as
People's Democratic Republic is to Democracy.
2011-01-05 20:56:33 UTC
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround the
scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself and/or runs
out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy? Don't be silly.
One of them might get hurt or something.
Sarah Ehrett
2011-01-05 21:34:17 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround the
scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself and/or runs
out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy? Don't be silly.
One of them might get hurt or something.
Why do you defend filth?

"A law enforcement official told CBS 5 News the shooting involved Daniel
Munoz Perez, a Pinal County Jail inmate who was mistakenly released on $320
bond on Dec. 17. Perez is accused of shooting at Arizona Department of
Public Safety officers Dec. 11 outside a home in Casa Grande. "
2011-01-05 22:43:21 UTC
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround the
scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself and/or runs
out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy? Don't be silly.
One of them might get hurt or something.
Why do you defend filth?
Why would anyone in their right mind defend you?
Sarah Ehrett
2011-01-05 22:53:16 UTC
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is
reportedly holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround the
scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself and/or runs
out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy? Don't be
silly. One of them might get hurt or something.
Why do you defend filth?
Why do you defend this filth?
2011-01-05 23:39:18 UTC
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 13:56:33 -0700, "Phxbrd"
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is
reportedly holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround the
scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself and/or runs
out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy? Don't be
silly. One of them might get hurt or something.
Why do you defend filth?
Why do you defend this filth?

You mean *this* filth?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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UN Security Council Chamber in New York.
The following is a list of United Nations resolutions that concern Israel
and bordering states such as Lebanon. From 1967 to 1989 the UN Security
Council passed 131 resolutions directly addressing the Arab-Israeli
conflict. In early Security Council practice, resolutions did not directly
invoke Chapter VII. They made an explicit determination of a threat, breach
of the peace, or act of aggression, and ordered an action in accordance with
Article 39 or 40. Resolution 54 determined that a threat to peace existed
within the meaning of Article 39 of the Charter, reiterated the need for a
truce, and ordered a cease-fire pursuant to Article 40 of the Charter.
Although the phrase "Acting under Chapter VII" was never mentioned as the
basis for the action taken, the chapter's authority was being used.[1]

The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a number of resolutions
saying that the strategic relationship with the United States encourages
Israel to pursue aggressive and expansionist policies and practices.[2] The
9th Emergency Session of the General Assembly was convened at the request of
the Security Council when the United States blocked efforts to adopt
sanctions against Israel.[3] The United States responded to the frequent
criticism from UN organs by adopting the Negroponte doctrine.

a.. 1 United Nations General Assembly resolutions
b.. 2 United Nations Security Council resolutions
c.. 3 See also
d.. 4 References
e.. 5 External links

[edit] United Nations General Assembly resolutions
See also: United Nations General Assembly resolution
This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
a.. 1947
a.. November 29: UN General Assembly Resolution 181: recommending
partition of the British Mandate into Jewish and Arab states
b.. 1948
a.. December 11: UN General Assembly Resolution 194: conditional right
of return of refugees
c.. 1949
a.. May 11: UN General Assembly Resolution 273: admission of Israel to
the UN
b.. December 9: UN General Assembly Resolution 303(IV): International
Regime for Jerusalem
d.. 1967
a.. July 4: UN General Assembly Resolution 2253 (ES-V): The Situation in
e.. 1974
a.. UN General Assembly Resolution 3236: Recognizes the right of the
Palestinian people to regain its rights.
f.. November 10,1975:
a.. UN General Assembly Resolution 3375: Invitation to the Palestine
Liberation Organization to participate in the efforts for peace in the
Middle East.
b.. UN General Assembly Resolution 3376: Stressed "the inalienable
rights of the Palestinian people".
c.. UN General Assembly Resolution 3379: equating Zionism with racism.
g.. 1991
a.. December 16: UN General Assembly Resolution 4686: annulled Res. 3379
[edit] United Nations Security Council resolutions
See also: United Nations Security Council resolution
1.. Resolution 42: The Palestine Question (5 March 1948) Requests
recommendations for the Palestine Commission
2.. Resolution 43: The Palestine Question (1 Apr 1948) Recognizes
"increasing violence and disorder in Palestine" and requests that
representatives of "the Jewish Agency for Palestine and the Arab Higher
Committee" arrange, with the Security Council, "a truce between the Arab and
Jewish Communities of Palestine...Calls upon Arab and Jewish armed groups in
Palestine to cease acts of violence immediately."
3.. Resolution 44: The Palestine Question (1 Apr 1948) Requests
convocation of special session of the General Assembly
4.. Resolution 46: The Palestine Question (17 Apr 1948) As the United
Kingdom is the Mandatory Power, "it is responsible for the maintenance of
peace and order in Palestine." The Resolutions also "Calls upon all persons
and organizations in Palestine" to stop importing "armed bands and fighting
personnel...whatever their origin;...weapons and war materials;...Refrain,
pending the future government of Palestine...from any political activity
which might prejudice the rights, claims, or position of either
community;...refrain from any action which will endager the safety of the
Holy Places in Palestine."
5.. Resolution 48: April 23, 1948, calls on all concerned parties to
comply with UNSC Resolution 46 and establishes a Truce Commission for
Palestine to assist the SC in implementing the truce. Approved 8-0,
abstentions from Colombia, Ukrainian SSR and USSR.
6.. Resolution 49: May 22, 1948 issues a cease-fire order to come into
effect at noon, May 24, 1948, New York time. Orders the Truce Commission for
Palestine previously set up to report on compliance. Passed by 8-0,
abstentions from Ukrainian SSR, USSR and Syria.
7.. Resolution 50: May 29, 1948, calls for a four week ceasefire covering
Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Transjordan and Yemen.
Urges all to protect the Holy Places and Jerusalem. Offers the UN Mediator
as many military observers as necessary. Further violations and the Council
would consider action under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. Adopted in parts;
no voting on the resolution as a whole.
8.. Resolution 53: The Palestine Question (7 Jul 1948)
9.. Resolution 54: The Palestine Question (15 Jul 1948)
10.. Resolution 56: The Palestine Question (19 Aug 1948)
11.. Resolution 57: The Palestine Question (18 Sep 1948)
12.. Resolution 59: The Palestine Question (19 Oct 1948)
13.. Resolution 60: The Palestine Question (29 Oct 1948)
14.. Resolution 61: The Palestine Question (4 Nov 1948)
15.. Resolution 62: The Palestine Question (16 Nov 1948)
16.. Resolution 66: The Palestine Question (29 Dec 1948)
17.. Resolution 72: The Palestine Question (11 Aug 1949)
18.. Resolution 73: The Palestine Question (11 Aug 1949)
19.. Resolution 89 (17 November 1950): regarding Armistice in 1948
Arab-Israeli War and "transfer of persons".
20.. Resolution 92: The Palestine Question (8 May 1951)
21.. Resolution 93: The Palestine Question (18 May 1951)
22.. Resolution 95: The Palestine Question (1 Sep 1951)
23.. Resolution 100: The Palestine Question (27 Oct 1953)
24.. Resolution 101: The Palestine Question (24 Nov 1953)
25.. Resolution 106: The Palestine Question (29 Mar 1955) 'condemns'
Israel for Gaza raid.
26.. Resolution 107: The Palestine Question (30 March)
27.. Resolution 108: The Palestine Question (8 September)
28.. Resolution 111: The Palestine Question (January 19, 1956) " ...
'condemns' Israel for raid on Syria that killed fifty-six people".
29.. Resolution 113: The Palestine Question (4 April)
30.. Resolution 114: The Palestine Question (4 June)
31.. Resolution 127: The Palestine Question (January 22, 1958) " ...
'recommends' Israel suspends its 'no-man's zone' in Jerusalem".
32.. Resolution 138: (June 23, 1960) Question relating to the case of
Adolf Eichmann, concerning Argentine complaint that Israel breached its
33.. Resolution 162: The Palestine Question (April 11, 1961) " ... 'urges'
Israel to comply with UN decisions".
34.. Resolution 171: The Palestine Question (April 9, 1962) " ...
determines flagrant violations' by Israel in its attack on Syria".
35.. Resolution 228: The Palestine Question (November 25, 1966) " ...
'censures' Israel for its attack on Samu in the West Bank, then under
Jordanian control".
36.. Resolution 233 Six Day War (June 6, 1967)
37.. Resolution 234 Six Day War (June 7, 1967)
38.. Resolution 235 Six Day War (June 9, 1967)
39.. Resolution 236 Six Day War (June 11, 1967)
40.. Resolution 237: Six Day War June 14, 1967) " ... 'urges' Israel to
allow return of new 1967 Palestinian refugees".
41.. Resolution 240 (October 25, 1967): concerning violations of the
42.. Resolution 242 (November 22, 1967): Termination of all claims or
states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the
sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State
in the area. Calls on Israel's neighbors to end the state of belligerency
and calls upon Israel to reciprocate by withdraw its forces from land
claimed by other parties in 1967 war. Interpreted commonly today as calling
for the Land for peace principle as a way to resolve Arab-Israeli conflict
43.. Resolution 248: (March 24, 1968) " ... 'condemns' Israel for its
massive attack on Karameh in Jordan".
44.. Resolution 250: (April 27) " ... 'calls' on Israel to refrain from
holding military parade in Jerusalem".
45.. Resolution 251: (May 2) " ... 'deeply deplores' Israeli military
parade in Jerusalem in defiance of Resolution 250".
46.. Resolution 252: (May 21) " ... 'declares invalid' Israel's acts to
unify Jerusalem as Jewish capital".
47.. Resolution 256: (August 16) " ... 'condemns' Israeli raids on Jordan
as 'flagrant violation".
48.. Resolution 258: (September 18)
49.. Resolution 259: (September 27) " ... 'deplores' Israel's refusal to
accept UN mission to probe occupation".
50.. Resolution 262: (December 31) " ... 'condemns' Israel for attack on
Beirut airport".
51.. Resolution 265: (April 1, 1969) " ... 'condemns' Israel for air
attacks on Salt, Jordan".
52.. Resolution 267: (July 3) " ... 'censures' Israel for administrative
acts to change the status of Jerusalem".
53.. Resolution 270: (August 26) " ... 'condemns' Israel for air attacks
on villages in southern Lebanon".
54.. Resolution 271: (September 15) " ... 'condemns' Israel's failure to
obey UN resolutions on Jerusalem".
55.. Resolution 279: (May 12, 1970) "Demands the immediate withdrawal of
all Israeli armed forces from Lebanese territory."(full text)
56.. Resolution 280: (May 19) " ... 'condemns' Israeli's attacks against
57.. Resolution 285: (September 5) " ... 'demands' immediate Israeli
withdrawal form Lebanon".
58.. Resolution 298: (September 25, 1971) " ... 'deplores' Israel's
changing of the status of Jerusalem".
59.. Resolution 313: (February 28, 1972) " ... 'demands' that Israel stop
attacks against Lebanon".
60.. Resolution 316: (June 26) " ... 'condemns' Israel for repeated
attacks on Lebanon".
61.. Resolution 317: (July 21) " ... 'deplores' Israel's refusal to
release Arabs abducted in Lebanon".
62.. Resolution 331: (April 20, 1973)
63.. Resolution 332: (April 21) " ... 'condemns' Israel's repeated attacks
against Lebanon".
64.. Resolution 337: (August 15) " ... 'condemns' Israel for violating
Lebanon's sovereignty and territorial integrity and for the forcible
diversion and seizure of a Lebanese airliner from Lebanon's air space".
65.. Resolution 338 (22 October 1973): " ...'calls' for a cease fire" in
Yom Kippur War and "the implementation of Security Council Resolution 242
(1967) in all of its parts", and "Decides that, immediately and concurrently
with the cease-fire, negotiations shall start between the parties concerned
under appropriate auspices aimed at establishing a just and durable peace in
the Middle East."
66.. Resolution 339 (23 October 1973): Confirms Res. 338, dispatch UN
67.. Resolution 340 (25 October): "Demands that immediate and complete
cease-fire be observed, per 338 and 339, and requests to increase the number
of United Nations military observers
68.. Resolution 341 (27 October): "Approves the report on the
implementation resolution 340
69.. Resolution 344 (15 December)
70.. Resolution 346 (April 8, 1974)
71.. Resolution 347: (April 24)" ... 'condemns' Israeli attacks on
72.. Resolution 350 (31 May 1974) established the United Nations
Disengagement Observer Force, to monitor the ceasefire between Israel and
Syria in the wake of the Yom Kippur War.
73.. Resolution 362 (October 23) decides to extend the mandate of the
United Nations Emergency Force for another six months
74.. Resolution 363 (November 29), regarding the United Nations
Disengagement Observer Force
75.. Resolution 368 (April 17, 1975)
76.. Resolution 369
77.. Resolution 371
78.. Resolution 378
79.. Resolution 381
80.. Resolution 390
81.. Resolution 396
82.. Resolution 398
83.. Resolution 408
84.. Resolution 416
85.. Resolution 420
86.. Resolution 425 (1978): " ... 'calls' on Israel to withdraw its forces
from Lebanon". Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon was completed by 16 June
87.. Resolution 426
88.. Resolution 427: " ... 'calls' on Israel to complete its withdrawal
from Lebanon".
89.. Resolution 429
90.. Resolution 434
91.. Resolution 438
92.. Resolution 441
93.. Resolution 444: " ... 'deplores' Israel's lack of cooperation with UN
peacekeeping forces".
94.. Resolution 446 (1979): 'determines' that Israeli settlements are a
'serious obstruction' to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth
Geneva Convention".
95.. Resolution 449
96.. Resolution 450: " ... 'calls' on Israel to stop attacking Lebanon".
97.. Resolution 452: " ... 'calls' on Israel to cease building settlements
in occupied territories".
98.. Resolution 456
99.. Resolution 459
100.. Resolution 465: " ... 'deplores' Israel's settlements and asks all
member states not to assist Israel's settlements program".
101.. Resolution 467: " ... 'strongly deplores' Israel's military
intervention in Lebanon".
102.. Resolution 468: " ... 'calls' on Israel to rescind illegal
expulsions of two Palestinian mayors and a judge and to facilitate their
103.. Resolution 469: " ... 'strongly deplores' Israel's failure to
observe the council's order not to deport Palestinians".
104.. Resolution 470
105.. Resolution 471: " ... 'expresses deep concern' at Israel's failure
to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention".
106.. Resolution 474
107.. Resolution 476: " ... 'reiterates' that Israel's claim to Jerusalem
are 'null and void'".
108.. Resolution 478 (20 August 1980): 'censures (Israel) in the strongest
terms' for its claim to Jerusalem in its 'Basic Law'.
109.. Resolution 481
110.. Resolution 483
111.. Resolution 484: " ... 'declares it imperative' that Israel re-admit
two deported Palestinian mayors".
112.. Resolution 485
113.. Resolution 487: " ... 'strongly condemns' Israel for its attack on
Iraq's nuclear facility".
114.. Resolution 488
115.. Resolution 493
116.. Resolution 497 (17 December 1981) decides that Israel's annexation
of Syria's Golan Heights is 'null and void' and demands that Israel rescinds
its decision forthwith.
117.. Resolution 498: " ... 'calls' on Israel to withdraw from Lebanon".
118.. Resolution 501: " ... 'calls' on Israel to stop attacks against
Lebanon and withdraw its troops".
119.. Resolution 506
120.. Resolution 508:
121.. Resolution 509: " ... 'demands' that Israel withdraw its forces
forthwith and unconditionally from Lebanon".
122.. Resolution 511
123.. Resolution 515: " ... 'demands' that Israel lift its siege of Beirut
and allow food supplies to be brought in".
124.. Resolution 516
125.. Resolution 517: " ... 'censures' Israel for failing to obey UN
resolutions and demands that Israel withdraw its forces from Lebanon".
126.. Resolution 518: " ... 'demands' that Israel cooperate fully with UN
forces in Lebanon".
127.. Resolution 519
128.. Resolution 520: " ... 'condemns' Israel's attack into West Beirut".
129.. Resolution 523
130.. Resolution 524
131.. Resolution 529
132.. Resolution 531
133.. Resolution 536
134.. Resolution 538
135.. Resolution 543
136.. Resolution 549
137.. Resolution 551
138.. Resolution 555
139.. Resolution 557
140.. Resolution 561
141.. Resolution 563
142.. Resolution 573: " ... 'condemns' Israel 'vigorously' for bombing
Tunisia in attack on PLO headquarters.
143.. Resolution 575
144.. Resolution 576
145.. Resolution 583
146.. Resolution 584
147.. Resolution 586
148.. Resolution 587 " ... 'takes note' of previous calls on Israel to
withdraw its forces from Lebanon and urges all parties to withdraw".
149.. Resolution 590
150.. Resolution 592: " ... 'strongly deplores' the killing of Palestinian
students at Bir Zeit University by Israeli troops".
151.. Resolution 594
152.. Resolution 596
153.. Resolution 599
154.. Resolution 603
155.. Resolution 605: " ... 'strongly deplores' Israel's policies and
practices denying the human rights of Palestinians.
156.. Resolution 607: " ... 'calls' on Israel not to deport Palestinians
and strongly requests it to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention.
157.. Resolution 608: " ... 'deeply regrets' that Israel has defied the
United Nations and deported Palestinian civilians".
158.. Resolution 609
159.. Resolution 611
160.. Resolution 613
161.. Resolution 617
162.. Resolution 624
163.. Resolution 630
164.. Resolution 633
165.. Resolution 636: " ... 'deeply regrets' Israeli deportation of
Palestinian civilians.
166.. Resolution 639 (31 Jul 1989)
167.. Resolution 641 (30 Aug 1989): " ... 'deplores' Israel's continuing
deportation of Palestinians.
168.. Resolution 645 (29 Nov 1989)
169.. Resolution 648 (31 Jan 1990)[1] The Security Council extends the
mandate of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon until July 31, 1990.
170.. Resolution 655 (31 May 1990)
171.. Resolution 659 (31 Jul 1990)
172.. Resolution 672 (12 Oct 1990): " ... 'condemns' Israel for "violence
against Palestinians" at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount.
173.. Resolution 673 (24 Oct 1990): " ... 'deplores' Israel's refusal to
cooperate with the United Nations.
174.. Resolution 679 (30 Nov 1990)
175.. Resolution 681 (20 Dec 1990): " ... 'deplores' Israel's resumption
of the deportation of Palestinians.
176.. Resolution 684 (30 Jan 1991)
177.. Resolution 694 (24 May 1991): " ... 'deplores' Israel's deportation
of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return.
178.. Resolution 695 (30 May 1991)
179.. Resolution 701 (31 Jul 1991)
180.. Resolution 722 (29 Nov 1991)
181.. Resolution 726 (06 Jan 1992): " ... 'strongly condemns' Israel's
deportation of Palestinians.
182.. Resolution 734 (29 Jan 1992)
183.. Resolution 756 (29 May 1992)
184.. Resolution 768 (30 Jul 1992)
185.. Resolution 790 (25 Nov 1992)
186.. Resolution 799 (18 Dec 1992): ". . . 'strongly condemns' Israel's
deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return.
187.. Resolution 803 (28 Jan 1993)
188.. Resolution 830 (26 May 1993)
189.. Resolution 852 (28 Jul 1993)
190.. Resolution 887 (29 Nov 1993)
191.. Resolution 895 (28 Jan 1994)
192.. Resolution 904 (18 Mar 1994): Cave of the Patriarchs massacre.
193.. Resolution 938 (28 Jul 1994): extends mandate of the United Nations
Interim Force in Lebanon until January 31, 1995.
194.. Resolution 1039 (29 Jan 1996)
195.. Resolution 1052 (18 Apr 1996)
196.. Resolution 1057 (30 May 1996)
197.. Resolution 1068 (30 Jul 1996)
198.. Resolution 1073 (28 Sep 1996)
199.. Resolution 1081 (27 Nov 1996)
200.. Resolution 1095 (28 Jan 1997)
201.. Resolution 1109 (28 May 1997)
202.. Resolution 1122 (29 Jul 1997)
203.. Resolution 1139 (21 Nov 1997)
204.. Resolution 1151 (30 Jan 1998)
205.. Resolution 1169 (27 May 1998)
206.. Resolution 1188 (30 Jul 1998)
207.. Resolution 1211 (25 Nov 1998)
208.. Resolution 1223 (28 Jan 1999)
209.. Resolution 1243 (27 May 1999)
210.. Resolution 1254 (30 Jul 1999)
211.. Resolution 1276 (24 Nov 1999)
212.. Resolution 1288 (31 Jan 2000)
213.. Resolution 1300 (31 May 2000)
214.. Resolution 1310 (27 Jul 2000)
215.. Resolution 1322 (07 Oct 2000)
216.. Resolution 1328 (27 Nov 2000)
217.. Resolution 1337 (30 Jan 2001)
218.. Resolution 1351 (30 May 2001)
219.. Resolution 1397 (12 Mar 2002) the first resolution to explicitly
call for a two-state solution.
220.. Resolution 1435 (24 Sep 2002) called for an end to Israeli measures
in and around Ramallah.
221.. Resolution 1559 (2 September 2004) called upon Lebanon to establish
its sovereignty over all of its land and called upon Syria to end their
military presence in Lebanon by withdrawing its forces and to cease
intervening in internal Lebanese politics. The resolution also called on all
Lebanese militias to disband.
222.. Resolution 1583 (28 January 2005) calls on Lebanon to assert full
control over its border with Israel. It also states that "the Council has
recognized the Blue Line as valid for the purpose of confirming Israel's
withdrawal pursuant to resolution 425.
223.. Resolution 1648 (21 December 2005) renewed the mandate of United
Nations Disengagement Observer Force until 30 June 2006.
224.. Resolution 1701 (11 August 2006) called for the full cessation of
hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah.
225.. Resolution 1860 (9 January 2009) called for the full cessation of
war between Israel and Hamas.
Sarah Ehrett
2011-01-05 23:54:57 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 13:56:33 -0700, "Phxbrd"
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is
reportedly holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the
grounds of Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround the
scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself and/or
runs out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy? Don't be
silly. One of them might get hurt or something.
Why do you defend filth?
Why do you defend this filth?
You mean *this* filth?
The filth in the subject header.

Why do you defend that filth?
2011-01-06 02:40:20 UTC
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Phxbrd
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 15:43:21 -0700, "Phxbrd"
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 13:56:33 -0700, "Phxbrd"
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is
reportedly holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the
grounds of Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround the
scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself and/or
runs out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy?
Don't be
silly. One of them might get hurt or something.
Why do you defend filth?
Why do you defend this filth?
You mean *this* filth?
The filth in the subject header.
Why do you defend that filth?
Are you so ashamed of your defense of Israeli filth that you must delete all
proof here of their filthiness? Why then do you defend their ethnic
cleansing and genocide of their Arab neighbors?
Sarah Ehrett
2011-01-06 02:51:41 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Phxbrd
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 15:43:21 -0700, "Phxbrd"
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 13:56:33 -0700, "Phxbrd"
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is
reportedly holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the
grounds of Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround the
scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself and/or
runs out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy?
Don't be
silly. One of them might get hurt or something.
Why do you defend filth?
Why do you defend this filth?
You mean *this* filth?
The filth in the subject header.
Why do you defend that filth?
Again, you fail to answer the question.

You must be ashamed of being exposed again as a filthy racist.
Post by Phxbrd
Are you so ashamed of your defense of Israeli filth that you must delete all
proof here of their filthiness? Why then do you defend their ethnic
cleansing and genocide of their Arab neighbors?
2011-01-06 14:14:40 UTC
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Phxbrd
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 16:39:18 -0700, "Phxbrd"
Post by Phxbrd
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 15:43:21 -0700, "Phxbrd"
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 13:56:33 -0700, "Phxbrd"
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is
reportedly holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the
grounds of Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround the
scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself and/or
runs out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy?
Don't be
silly. One of them might get hurt or something.
Why do you defend filth?
Why do you defend this filth?
You mean *this* filth?
The filth in the subject header.
Why do you defend that filth?
Again, you fail to answer the question.
You must be ashamed of being exposed again as a filthy racist.
Post by Phxbrd
Are you so ashamed of your defense of Israeli filth that you must delete all
proof here of their filthiness? Why then do you defend their ethnic
cleansing and genocide of their Arab neighbors?
Your support of ethnic cleansing of Mexicans is well known, but do you also
want them all permanently eradicated?

Are there any other races that you despise besides Arabs and Mexicans?
Sarah Ehrett
2011-01-06 16:59:59 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Phxbrd
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 16:39:18 -0700, "Phxbrd"
Post by Phxbrd
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 15:43:21 -0700, "Phxbrd"
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 13:56:33 -0700, "Phxbrd"
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is
reportedly holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the
grounds of Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround the
scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself and/or
runs out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy?
Don't be
silly. One of them might get hurt or something.
Why do you defend filth?
Why do you defend this filth?
You mean *this* filth?
The filth in the subject header.
Why do you defend that filth?
Again, you fail to answer the question.
You must be ashamed of being exposed again as a filthy racist.
Post by Phxbrd
Are you so ashamed of your defense of Israeli filth that you must delete
all proof here of their filthiness? Why then do you defend their ethnic
cleansing and genocide of their Arab neighbors?
Your support of ethnic cleansing of Mexicans is well known,
Only in your dope induced haze, you racist old stoner.

My position has always been that I want the same Immigration laws here in
the US that Mexico has.

That's it. Come here legally.

And because I want what Mexico already has in place as their immigration
policies, you label me a racist.
Post by Phxbrd
but do you also want them all permanently eradicated?
Are there any other races that you despise besides Arabs and Mexicans?
2011-01-06 17:34:24 UTC
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Phxbrd
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 19:40:20 -0700, "Phxbrd"
Post by Phxbrd
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 16:39:18 -0700, "Phxbrd"
Post by Phxbrd
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 15:43:21 -0700, "Phxbrd"
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 13:56:33 -0700, "Phxbrd"
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is
reportedly holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant
grounds of Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will
scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself and/or
runs out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy?
Don't be
silly. One of them might get hurt or something.
Why do you defend filth?
Why do you defend this filth?
You mean *this* filth?
The filth in the subject header.
Why do you defend that filth?
Again, you fail to answer the question.
You must be ashamed of being exposed again as a filthy racist.
Post by Phxbrd
Are you so ashamed of your defense of Israeli filth that you must delete
all proof here of their filthiness? Why then do you defend their ethnic
cleansing and genocide of their Arab neighbors?
Your support of ethnic cleansing of Mexicans is well known,
Only in your dope induced haze, you racist old stoner.
My position has always been that I want the same Immigration laws here in
the US that Mexico has.
That's it. Come here legally.
And because I want what Mexico already has in place as their immigration
policies, you label me a racist.
Post by Phxbrd
but do you also want them all permanently eradicated?
Are there any other races that you despise besides Arabs and Mexicans?
Sander Fraudman
2011-01-06 05:16:48 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Phxbrd
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 15:43:21 -0700, "Phxbrd"
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 13:56:33 -0700, "Phxbrd"
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is
reportedly holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the
grounds of Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround the
scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself and/or
runs out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy?
Don't be
silly. One of them might get hurt or something.
Why do you defend filth?
Why do you defend this filth?
You mean *this* filth?
The filth in the subject header.
Why do you defend that filth?
Are you so ashamed of your defense of Israeli filth that you must delete all
proof here of their filthiness? Why then do you defend their ethnic
cleansing and genocide of their Arab neighbors?
Too bad you don't have the balls to defend our only ally in the middle east.
dave brooker
2011-01-06 08:52:00 UTC
"Sander Fraudman" <***@Use-Author-Supplied-Address.invalid> wrote in
Post by Sander Fraudman
Too bad you don't have the balls to defend our only ally in the middle east.
Some ally...


2011-01-06 16:08:19 UTC
Post by dave brooker
Post by Sander Fraudman
Too bad you don't have the balls to defend our only ally in the middle east.
Some ally...
dave brooker
2011-01-06 08:50:58 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Are you so ashamed of your defense of Israeli filth that you must delete
all proof here of their filthiness? Why then do you defend their ethnic
cleansing and genocide of their Arab neighbors?
Because Kensarah is a racist.
2011-01-06 15:59:20 UTC
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Are you so ashamed of your defense of Israeli filth that you must delete
all proof here of their filthiness? Why then do you defend their ethnic
cleansing and genocide of their Arab neighbors?
Because Kensarah is a racist.
Tell us something we don't already know.
dave brooker
2011-01-06 21:36:29 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Are you so ashamed of your defense of Israeli filth that you must delete
all proof here of their filthiness? Why then do you defend their ethnic
cleansing and genocide of their Arab neighbors?
Because Kensarah is a racist.
Tell us something we don't already know.
There is that.
2011-01-06 22:29:39 UTC
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Are you so ashamed of your defense of Israeli filth that you must
delete all proof here of their filthiness? Why then do you defend
their ethnic cleansing and genocide of their Arab neighbors?
Because Kensarah is a racist.
Tell us something we don't already know.
There is that.
Notice that Ugly Racist Sarah has tired of being bitch slapped and has had
enough for one day. But of course she'll return tomorrow and claim that she
taught me a lesson today that I won't soon forget. But then of course Ugly
Sarah is an ugly racist and a lunatic to boot.

Sander Fraudman
2011-01-06 05:15:58 UTC
Anyone who believes the UN to be anything but a destructive
anti-American, anti-Democracy bunch or third world assholes is himself
an asshole.
Michelle Steiner
2011-01-06 06:02:56 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
You mean *this* filth?
There you go again, with your Jew-baiting, Jew-hating bigotry. You're no
different from Sarah Ehrett and Sander Fruadman; all three of you are just
a bunch of hate-mongering bigots.
Tea Party Patriots is to Patriotism as
People's Democratic Republic is to Democracy.
dave brooker
2011-01-06 08:54:26 UTC
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
You mean *this* filth?
There you go again, with your Jew-baiting, Jew-hating bigotry.
Don't mistake criticism of Israel's warcrimes as Jew hating.

2011-01-06 16:12:42 UTC
Post by dave brooker
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
You mean *this* filth?
There you go again, with your Jew-baiting, Jew-hating bigotry.
Don't mistake criticism of Israel's warcrimes as Jew hating.
Mikey's strategy is well known among Israel's apologists but it only works
for dumbfuckers. Rational people are aware of facts outlined in sites like

Sander Fraudman
2011-01-06 18:30:19 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Post by dave brooker
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
You mean *this* filth?
There you go again, with your Jew-baiting, Jew-hating bigotry.
Don't mistake criticism of Israel's warcrimes as Jew hating.
Mikey's strategy is well known among Israel's apologists but it only works
for dumbfuckers. Rational people are aware of facts outlined in sites like
Leslie, if you had half the balls of an Israeli, you wouldn't let
Mexicans walk all over you and set your neighborhood standard of living.
Michelle Steiner
2011-01-06 17:28:39 UTC
Post by dave brooker
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
You mean *this* filth?
There you go again, with your Jew-baiting, Jew-hating bigotry.
Don't mistake criticism of Israel's warcrimes as Jew hating.
The support of those who wish to wipe Jews from the face of the earth is
Jew hating.
Tea Party Patriots is to Patriotism as
People's Democratic Republic is to Democracy.
2011-01-06 17:52:09 UTC
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by dave brooker
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
You mean *this* filth?
There you go again, with your Jew-baiting, Jew-hating bigotry.
Don't mistake criticism of Israel's warcrimes as Jew hating.
The support of those who wish to wipe Jews from the face of the earth is
Jew hating.
But the support of those who would wipe Arabs from the face of the earth is
all peaches & cream? You are one sick puppy, you are.

Have you seen the box score of deaths in the area recently?

Why do you insist that Israel totally dominate the entire Middle East?

Why do you insist that the Arabs should just shut and die more gracefully?

Whay are you such mindless racist filth?
Michelle Steiner
2011-01-06 17:54:56 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
But the support of those who would wipe Arabs from the face of the earth
is all peaches & cream? You are one sick puppy, you are.
No one is trying to wipe Arabs from the face of the Earth; no one is even
advocating it.
Tea Party Patriots is to Patriotism as
People's Democratic Republic is to Democracy.
Sander Fraudman
2011-01-06 18:32:03 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by dave brooker
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
You mean *this* filth?
There you go again, with your Jew-baiting, Jew-hating bigotry.
Don't mistake criticism of Israel's warcrimes as Jew hating.
The support of those who wish to wipe Jews from the face of the earth is
Jew hating.
But the support of those who would wipe Arabs from the face of the earth is
all peaches& cream? You are one sick puppy, you are.
Have you seen the box score of deaths in the area recently?
Why do you insist that Israel totally dominate the entire Middle East?
Why do you insist that the Arabs should just shut and die more gracefully?
Whay are you such mindless racist filth?
Because Arabs believe in the total destruction of Christians and the
total annihilation of Americans. You simply don't let some facts sink
thru that plate in your head.
Michelle Steiner
2011-01-06 20:08:20 UTC
Post by Sander Fraudman
Because Arabs believe in the total destruction of Christians and the
total annihilation of Americans. You simply don't let some facts sink
thru that plate in your head.
Your anti-Arab, anti-Muslim, and anti-Mexican bigotries are just as
disgusting as Seth's anti-Jewish and anti-Israel bigotries.

Not all Arabs are Muslim, and not all Muslims are Arabs. There are Arab
Christians (or to put it another way, Christian Arabs).
Tea Party Patriots is to Patriotism as
People's Democratic Republic is to Democracy.
2011-01-06 20:24:32 UTC
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Sander Fraudman
Because Arabs believe in the total destruction of Christians and the
total annihilation of Americans. You simply don't let some facts sink
thru that plate in your head.
Your anti-Arab, anti-Muslim, and anti-Mexican bigotries are just as
disgusting as Seth's anti-Jewish and anti-Israel bigotries.
Not all Arabs are Muslim, and not all Muslims are Arabs. There are Arab
Christians (or to put it another way, Christian Arabs).
Next you'll be claiming that not all Israelis are Jews, but Ugly Sarah will
deny it and change the subject.
2011-01-06 15:56:07 UTC
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
You mean *this* filth?
There you go again, with your Jew-baiting, Jew-hating bigotry. You're no
different from Sarah Ehrett and Sander Fruadman; all three of you are just
a bunch of hate-mongering bigots.
Do you also think that ethnic cleansing and genocide are cute? Why?
Michelle Steiner
2011-01-06 17:26:53 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
There you go again, with your Jew-baiting, Jew-hating bigotry. You're
no different from Sarah Ehrett and Sander Fruadman; all three of you
are just a bunch of hate-mongering bigots.
Do you also think that ethnic cleansing and genocide are cute? Why?
No I don't, but you support genocide of Jews.
Tea Party Patriots is to Patriotism as
People's Democratic Republic is to Democracy.
2011-01-06 17:44:57 UTC
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
There you go again, with your Jew-baiting, Jew-hating bigotry. You're
no different from Sarah Ehrett and Sander Fruadman; all three of you
are just a bunch of hate-mongering bigots.
Do you also think that ethnic cleansing and genocide are cute? Why?
No I don't, but you support genocide of Jews.
That's a lie. I have no more animosity for that Sky Daddy sect than I have
for any other misguided tribe of morons.

All I want is law and order brought to the Middle East. Racist filth want
only the Israelis to live in peace, even if they kill all the Arabs so they
can live on Arab land. That practice is 100% indefensible. The entire
world agrees with me. It's only the rotten and corrupt US government and
their media lackies that think it's cute and entirely justified. That's
both sick and shameful. Americans are every bit as brainwashed as were the
German people when the Third Reich took over their land. History will bear
me out. That I guarantee.

Michelle Steiner
2011-01-06 18:01:21 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
Do you also think that ethnic cleansing and genocide are cute? Why?
No I don't, but you support genocide of Jews.
That's a lie. I have no more animosity for that Sky Daddy sect than I
have for any other misguided tribe of morons.
You support the fuckers who want to kill off all the Jews. You echo their
lies, and support their atrocities.

You and Sarah are bird of a feather; you are both just a bunch of hate
mongering bigots.
Tea Party Patriots is to Patriotism as
People's Democratic Republic is to Democracy.
2011-01-06 18:49:22 UTC
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
Do you also think that ethnic cleansing and genocide are cute? Why?
No I don't, but you support genocide of Jews.
That's a lie. I have no more animosity for that Sky Daddy sect than I
have for any other misguided tribe of morons.
You support the fuckers who want to kill off all the Jews. You echo their
lies, and support their atrocities.
You and Sarah are bird of a feather; you are both just a bunch of hate
mongering bigots.
Your imagination has run off with you. Ugly Sarah (and you, evidently) want
to maintain status quo. You want continued warfare because Israel always
has the upper hand - with our support and weapons. Neither of you want
peace and justice in the area because the first thing that would be done
would be restoration of legal and lawful Israel borders as defined by the UN
in 1948. Instead of respecting Israel's originating authority, you've been
carefully taught to hate the UN. That's why you sneer at the many, many UN
sanctions. In doing so, you thumb your nose at world authority and opinions
of every country in the UN aside from a handful of our toady sycophants.

I, OTOH, want PEACE and prosperity for ALL countries in the Middle East. I
don't support all that Hamas has done, but I recognize their need to resist
the tyranny thrust upon them. When we had similar here, we called the
Minutemen, and not all that they did either was Marquis of Queensbury rules.
The sneaky basticks actually took potshots from behind trees, then ran home
to their wives and families instead of living in army barracks. Oh the
shame of it.
Michelle Steiner
2011-01-06 20:17:43 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Your imagination has run off with you. Ugly Sarah (and you, evidently)
want to maintain status quo. You want continued warfare because Israel
always has the upper hand - with our support and weapons.
Nope; I do not want continued warfare; I want peace in the Middle East.
But a peace that recognizes Israel's right to exist.

I even support turning the West Bank and the Gaza Strip over to the PLO and
having Israel leave those areas completely if that would end the fighting.
Tea Party Patriots is to Patriotism as
People's Democratic Republic is to Democracy.
2011-01-06 20:30:47 UTC
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
Your imagination has run off with you. Ugly Sarah (and you, evidently)
want to maintain status quo. You want continued warfare because Israel
always has the upper hand - with our support and weapons.
Nope; I do not want continued warfare; I want peace in the Middle East.
But a peace that recognizes Israel's right to exist.
I even support turning the West Bank and the Gaza Strip over to the PLO and
having Israel leave those areas completely if that would end the fighting.
Then you and I are on the same side as that's all I want.

How do you feel about all the hoorah about certain countries refusing to
sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty when one of them is Israel? How
can we expect respect from the world when we play picky-choosy?
Michelle Steiner
2011-01-06 20:33:57 UTC
Neither of you want peace and justice in the area because the first
thing that would be done would be restoration of legal and lawful Israel
borders as defined by the UN in 1948.
I hit "send" prematurely. So to continue:

The UN defined borders in 1947; Israel agreed to them, but the Arab
community rejected them. As a result of that rejection, there were no
legally established borders. The UK therefore announced its intention to
unilaterally withdraw from Palestine by May 15, 1948. On May 14, the
Jewish community in Palestine declared the independence of Israel.
Immediately after that, five Arab nations invaded Israel, and started 1948
Arab-Israeli War.
Instead of respecting Israel's originating authority, you've been
carefully taught to hate the UN.
I don't hate the UN, but I recognize where politics overcame reason in some
of its votes.
I, OTOH, want PEACE and prosperity for ALL countries in the Middle East.
I don't support all that Hamas has done, but I recognize their need to
resist the tyranny thrust upon them.
No, you support their bullshit lies. They're the ones who want to continue
fighting; they rebelled against the PLO when the PLO and Israel was coming
to a negotiated peace.

Your attitude towards Jews is about the same as Fraudman's and Sarah's
attitude towards Mexicans, Muslims, and Arabs.
Tea Party Patriots is to Patriotism as
People's Democratic Republic is to Democracy.
Sander Fraudman
2011-01-06 18:35:55 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
There you go again, with your Jew-baiting, Jew-hating bigotry. You're
no different from Sarah Ehrett and Sander Fruadman; all three of you
are just a bunch of hate-mongering bigots.
Do you also think that ethnic cleansing and genocide are cute? Why?
No I don't, but you support genocide of Jews.
That's a lie. I have no more animosity for that Sky Daddy sect than I have
for any other misguided tribe of morons.
All I want is law and order brought to the Middle East. Racist filth want
only the Israelis to live in peace, even if they kill all the Arabs so they
can live on Arab land. That practice is 100% indefensible. The entire
world agrees with me.
That's your personal delusion. Many Germans and French have always hated
Jews, but many have not. Jews have not tried to annihilate anyone, but
you back the Muslims who want to see you dead. Kinda stupid isn't it?

It's only the rotten and corrupt US government and
Post by Phxbrd
their media lackies that think it's cute and entirely justified. That's
both sick and shameful. Americans are every bit as brainwashed as were the
German people when the Third Reich took over their land. History will bear
me out. That I guarantee.
Sander Fraudman
2011-01-06 18:32:41 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
You mean *this* filth?
There you go again, with your Jew-baiting, Jew-hating bigotry. You're no
different from Sarah Ehrett and Sander Fruadman; all three of you are just
a bunch of hate-mongering bigots.
Do you also think that ethnic cleansing and genocide are cute? Why?
Do you mean as practices by the Muslims in the middle east?
Sarah Ehrett
2011-01-06 16:56:34 UTC
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 23:02:56 -0700, Michelle Steiner
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
You mean *this* filth?
There you go again, with your Jew-baiting, Jew-hating bigotry. You're no
different from Sarah Ehrett and Sander Fruadman; all three of you are just
a bunch of hate-mongering bigots.
Oh please. It's well documented that Sethie hates Jews. Me? I'm not at
all fond of the Arab fuckers who nearly killed my husband in the Pentagon
on 9/11/01. I think my feelings are justified. And I make no apologies
for them.

Sethie is just an old racist who keeps spewing racial hatred and bigotry.
2011-01-06 17:27:39 UTC
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 23:02:56 -0700, Michelle Steiner
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
You mean *this* filth?
There you go again, with your Jew-baiting, Jew-hating bigotry. You're no
different from Sarah Ehrett and Sander Fruadman; all three of you are just
a bunch of hate-mongering bigots.
Oh please. It's well documented that Sethie hates Jews. Me? I'm not at
all fond of the Arab fuckers who nearly killed my husband in the Pentagon
on 9/11/01.
That would have have certainly been an up side to that tragedy.
Post by Sarah Ehrett
I think my feelings are justified. And I make no apologies
for them.
Related to your 6th grade education innit.
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Sethie is just an old racist who keeps spewing racial hatred and bigotry.

Tell me, dumbfucker, if I criticized the behavior of the Nazis in the 30's &
40's would you attempt to minimize their behavior by calling me a racist?
Michelle Steiner
2011-01-06 17:53:48 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Tell me, dumbfucker, if I criticized the behavior of the Nazis in the
30's & 40's would you attempt to minimize their behavior by calling me a
racist? Well guess what, dumbfucker, THE ISRAELIS ARE DOING THE VERY
Bullshit! That's what your Hammas buddies are trying to do to Israel.
Tea Party Patriots is to Patriotism as
People's Democratic Republic is to Democracy.
2011-01-06 17:55:01 UTC
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
Tell me, dumbfucker, if I criticized the behavior of the Nazis in the
30's & 40's would you attempt to minimize their behavior by calling me a
racist? Well guess what, dumbfucker, THE ISRAELIS ARE DOING THE VERY
Bullshit! That's what your Hammas buddies are trying to do to Israel.
dave brooker
2011-01-06 21:31:27 UTC
Post by Michelle Steiner
Bullshit! That's what your Hammas buddies are trying to do to Israel.
This would be the Israel who are holding Gaza to siege and who are illegally
occupying the West Bank?

Perhaps you could explain why we should feel sorry for war criminals??
Michelle Steiner
2011-01-06 21:36:28 UTC
Post by dave brooker
Post by Michelle Steiner
Bullshit! That's what your Hammas buddies are trying to do to Israel.
This would be the Israel who are holding Gaza to siege and who are illegally
occupying the West Bank?
Perhaps you could explain why we should feel sorry for war criminals??
You mean the criminals who murder noncombatants, including women and
children, in Israel? No, we shouldn't feel sorry for them.
Tea Party Patriots is to Patriotism as
People's Democratic Republic is to Democracy.
2011-01-06 22:22:50 UTC
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by dave brooker
Post by Michelle Steiner
Bullshit! That's what your Hammas buddies are trying to do to Israel.
This would be the Israel who are holding Gaza to siege and who are illegally
occupying the West Bank?
Perhaps you could explain why we should feel sorry for war criminals??
You mean the criminals who murder noncombatants, including women and
children, in Israel? No, we shouldn't feel sorry for them.
"Sanctions against Palestine?
By Anis Hamadeh


The EU and the USA have suspended the transfer of subsidies for Palestine.
It could be derived from the media that this act is meant to be a punishment
of the Palestinian society for having voted for the wrong party. The West
did want these elections to be democratic, but under the condition that a
certain party wins. Hamas, who won the elections, is reproached with three
issues: that it does not acknowledge Israel's right of existence, that it
does not renounce violence, and that it does not keep existing contracts.

Isn't this cynical, one could object, as these three items characterize the
Jewish State much better than the Palestinian side: Israel has never
acknowledged the right of existence of the indigenous population. Israel has
never renounced violence, either. On the contrary, it is gloating about its
"targeted killings" and its continuous military attacks. Israel, thirdly,
does not keep contracts and UN resolutions, but makes unilateral decisions
by principle. The Palestinians neither have the same rights, nor a state or
an army, nor a decent infra-structure. Therefore the way the Palestinians
behave is almost irrelevant, for the power for change is not in their hands.

Beyond doubt, the invocation of Israel's right of existence is immediately
connected with the genocide of the Jews committed by Germans and Europeans.
Behind the demands addressed to Hamas there is the notion of "Never again
Hitler" which before had been ascribed to Fatah. Thus Palestinians are not
assessed according to Palestinian history, but according to German and
Jewish history.

Still many Palestinians ask themselves how Germany of all countries can so
unconditionally support a state which is ruling with the power of weapons,
which is practising a dubious segregation of races, pursueing a
blood-and-soil ideology, creating rightless subhumans, taking living space
in the East and a state that does not care for the human rights and
international law, as it considers itself as being racially and/or
religiously superior, compared with other states.

One has to be aware of the fact that the Nazi history has not sufficiently
been digested and a mindset of stereotypes still prevails according to which
there are inherently good and evil peoples and societies. The German public
until today is unable to conceptualize Jews in non-racist terms. If they are
not the evil guys they are the good guys and their opponents are the evil
guys. There is no other way to explain the absurd behavior towards the

When one searches for the Nazi evil in the Palestinians one does not have to
search for it in the own past and present. Analogously, in the current
immigration debate those humanist values, that Germany is unable to fulfil,
are projected to measure "the other", distracting from the own behavior.
Psychologically, this is the - failing - attempt to chip evil, so that it
will not stand in one context with the own identity.

Only the cast of the roles has changed. The ideology and the mechanisms,
which had led to the genocide of the Jews in the West, are valid like
before. On the contemporary level, certainly, there are no gas chambers
employed anymore. This is the only way to keep the Jewish western trauma
working, by continuously inflicting it in an unreflected way upon originally
uninvolved parties. We cannot change this now. But we can explain it."

Sander Fraudman
2011-01-06 18:38:38 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 23:02:56 -0700, Michelle Steiner
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
You mean *this* filth?
There you go again, with your Jew-baiting, Jew-hating bigotry. You're no
different from Sarah Ehrett and Sander Fruadman; all three of you are just
a bunch of hate-mongering bigots.
Oh please. It's well documented that Sethie hates Jews. Me? I'm not at
all fond of the Arab fuckers who nearly killed my husband in the Pentagon
on 9/11/01.
That would have have certainly been an up side to that tragedy.
Post by Sarah Ehrett
I think my feelings are justified. And I make no apologies
for them.
Related to your 6th grade education innit.
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Sethie is just an old racist who keeps spewing racial hatred and bigotry.
Tell me, dumbfucker, if I criticized the behavior of the Nazis in the 30's&
40's would you attempt to minimize their behavior by calling me a racist?
Really? Where are their work camps and death camps? Do they have any big
ovens? Do they make Arab soap and Arab lampshades?
Defending your country isn't racism or genocide. If you understood this,
you would understand sovereignty and border security.
dave brooker
2011-01-06 21:33:53 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Oh please. It's well documented that Sethie hates Jews. Me? I'm not
at all fond of the Arab fuckers who nearly killed my husband in the
on 9/11/01.
That would have have certainly been an up side to that tragedy.
Ken and Mikey have something in common, men pretending to be women, badly...
Michelle Steiner
2011-01-06 21:55:02 UTC
Post by dave brooker
Ken and Mikey have something in common, men pretending to be women, badly...
Oh, so you're really that nym-shifting coward, AZ John, the gutless wonder,
a boy pretending to be a man.

Well, you and I do have one thing in common: neither of us have any balls.
Tea Party Patriots is to Patriotism as
People's Democratic Republic is to Democracy.
2011-01-06 22:15:02 UTC
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Oh please. It's well documented that Sethie hates Jews. Me? I'm not
at all fond of the Arab fuckers who nearly killed my husband in the
on 9/11/01.
That would have have certainly been an up side to that tragedy.
Ken and Mikey have something in common, men pretending to be women, badly...
Ugly Sarah isn't smart enough to realize that if all Arabs are guilty of
crimes commited by SOME Arabs, then it only follows that all Christers are
guilty of crimes commited by SOME Christers. In short, she's dumb as a sack
of rocks.
dave brooker
2011-01-06 21:13:30 UTC
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Oh please. It's well documented that Sethie hates Jews. Me? I'm not at
all fond of the Arab fuckers who nearly killed my husband in the Pentagon
on 9/11/01.
Billy the ice-cream man was at the Pentagon???
Sander Fraudman
2011-01-06 18:28:51 UTC
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
You mean *this* filth?
There you go again, with your Jew-baiting, Jew-hating bigotry. You're no
different from Sarah Ehrett and Sander Fruadman; all three of you are just
a bunch of hate-mongering bigots.
Michelle, your only redeeming quality is that you have unconditional
love for Israel. Most American Jews don't seem to share that quality and
are self destructive.
Michelle Steiner
2011-01-06 20:13:55 UTC
Post by Sander Fraudman
Michelle, your only redeeming quality is that you have unconditional
love for Israel. Most American Jews don't seem to share that quality and
are self destructive.
1. I don't have an unconditional love for Israel; I recognize Israel's
flaws and faults. But I can see which side is the aggressor and which is
the aggressed upon.

2. I'm not Jewish.

3. You don't have any discernible redeeming qualities.
Tea Party Patriots is to Patriotism as
People's Democratic Republic is to Democracy.
Sander Fraudman
2011-01-05 23:38:29 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround the
scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself and/or runs
out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy? Don't be silly.
One of them might get hurt or something.
Why do you defend filth?
Why would anyone in their right mind defend you?
Especially when you favor diseased runts with low IQs from Mexico. You
need all your strength
to defend them, because they are also your neighbors.
Sander Fraudman
2011-01-05 23:37:03 UTC
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround the
scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself and/or runs
out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy? Don't be silly.
One of them might get hurt or something.
Why do you defend filth?
"A law enforcement official told CBS 5 News the shooting involved Daniel
Munoz Perez, a Pinal County Jail inmate who was mistakenly released on $320
bond on Dec. 17. Perez is accused of shooting at Arizona Department of
Public Safety officers Dec. 11 outside a home in Casa Grande. "
A filthy diseased dwarf who escaped from the watchful eye of Janet the
dumb cunt, Napolitano.
Sarah Ehrett
2011-01-05 23:51:26 UTC
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 16:37:03 -0700, Sander Fraudman
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround the
scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself and/or runs
out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy? Don't be silly.
One of them might get hurt or something.
Why do you defend filth?
"A law enforcement official told CBS 5 News the shooting involved Daniel
Munoz Perez, a Pinal County Jail inmate who was mistakenly released on $320
bond on Dec. 17. Perez is accused of shooting at Arizona Department of
Public Safety officers Dec. 11 outside a home in Casa Grande. "
A filthy diseased dwarf who escaped from the watchful eye of Janet the
dumb cunt, Napolitano.
And straight into Leslie Hammond's family.
Michelle Steiner
2011-01-06 06:00:02 UTC
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is
reportedly holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the
grounds of Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround
the scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself
and/or runs out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy?
Don't be silly. One of them might get hurt or something.
Why do you defend filth?
Learn how to read for comprehension; he wasn't defending that criminal. He
was complaining that the police didn't take out the criminal.

Maybe if you weren't a racist bigot, you would have been able to understand
what he wrote.
Tea Party Patriots is to Patriotism as
People's Democratic Republic is to Democracy.
2011-01-06 15:50:23 UTC
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is
reportedly holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the
grounds of Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround
the scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself
and/or runs out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy?
Don't be silly. One of them might get hurt or something.
Why do you defend filth?
Learn how to read for comprehension; he wasn't defending that criminal.
was complaining that the police didn't take out the criminal.
Maybe if you weren't a racist bigot, you would have been able to understand
what he wrote.
And if bird dogs could sing they still couldn't sit in tree tops.
Sarah Ehrett
2011-01-06 16:58:08 UTC
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 23:00:02 -0700, Michelle Steiner
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is
reportedly holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the
grounds of Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround
the scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself
and/or runs out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy?
Don't be silly. One of them might get hurt or something.
Why do you defend filth?
Learn how to read for comprehension; he wasn't defending that criminal. He
was complaining that the police didn't take out the criminal.
Careful. Crazy old sethie will accuse you of advocating ethnic cleansing.
Post by Michelle Steiner
Maybe if you weren't a racist bigot, you would have been able to understand
what he wrote.
I understand sethie far better than you.
2011-01-06 17:33:21 UTC
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 23:00:02 -0700, Michelle Steiner
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is
reportedly holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the
grounds of Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround
the scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself
and/or runs out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy?
Don't be silly. One of them might get hurt or something.
Why do you defend filth?
Learn how to read for comprehension; he wasn't defending that criminal.
was complaining that the police didn't take out the criminal.
Careful. Crazy old sethie will accuse you of advocating ethnic cleansing.
Post by Michelle Steiner
Maybe if you weren't a racist bigot, you would have been able to understand
what he wrote.
I understand sethie far better than you.
You'll die as stupid as you are today if you don't learn to listen to your
many superiors(everyone).
Sander Fraudman
2011-01-06 18:42:56 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 23:00:02 -0700, Michelle Steiner
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is
reportedly holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the
grounds of Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround
the scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself
and/or runs out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy?
Don't be silly. One of them might get hurt or something.
Why do you defend filth?
Learn how to read for comprehension; he wasn't defending that criminal.
was complaining that the police didn't take out the criminal.
Careful. Crazy old sethie will accuse you of advocating ethnic cleansing.
Post by Michelle Steiner
Maybe if you weren't a racist bigot, you would have been able to understand
what he wrote.
I understand sethie far better than you.
You'll die as stupid as you are today if you don't learn to listen to your
many superiors(everyone).
Leslie, you are really an aberration. You love any race or group that
breaks the law with impunity (Mexicans)support illegal drug smuggling
and use, defend and swoon over Muslims and their terrorists, despise law
and order (Sheriff Joe), and hate supporters of our Constitution, and
supporters of our sovereignty, and who defend their own lives or ally
themselves with the United States of America. Are you a Commie?
dave brooker
2011-01-05 22:02:03 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.

Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Sarah Ehrett
2011-01-05 22:20:36 UTC
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 22:02:03 -0000, "dave brooker"
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
What laws do you think the US should have to prevent any further incidents
like this?
Post by dave brooker
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Every state should be a "shall issue" state.
2011-01-06 05:30:38 UTC
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 22:02:03 -0000, "dave brooker"
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
What laws do you think the US should have to prevent any further incidents
like this?
Better Mental Health ones.
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by dave brooker
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Every state should be a "shall issue" state.
"Gustatus Similis Pullus"
Sarah Ehrett
2011-01-06 16:48:26 UTC
Post by Zombywoof
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 22:02:03 -0000, "dave brooker"
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
What laws do you think the US should have to prevent any further incidents
like this?
Better Mental Health ones.
In that case Phxbrd would never be allowed near a firearm.
Post by Zombywoof
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by dave brooker
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Every state should be a "shall issue" state.
2011-01-06 16:58:17 UTC
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Zombywoof
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 22:02:03 -0000, "dave brooker"
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
What laws do you think the US should have to prevent any further incidents
like this?
Better Mental Health ones.
In that case Phxbrd would never be allowed near a firearm.
You better hope they don't put in an English grammar test.
2011-01-05 22:31:31 UTC
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on
a daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Only those of us not allowed guns; mentals, felons, engles, etc.
2011-01-05 22:56:15 UTC
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is
reportedly holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on
the grounds of Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of
thing on a daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
First let me ask you a question.

Is it your contention that these crimes were only committed because there
was a gun?

Can you explain the causality by which a gun causes crimes to occur?

After all, if your solution is to control guns then you must feel that guns
cause people to commit crimes.
2011-01-05 23:10:32 UTC
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
What we are tired of are communist fools like you that want to make
America a dictatorship.
Greg Procter
2011-01-06 02:57:39 UTC
Post by unknown
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
What we are tired of are communist fools like you that want to make
America a dictatorship.
Did you vote for your President?
Sander Fraudman
2011-01-05 23:46:33 UTC
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Guns don't commit crimes, people do. That's like saying UK men and women
have horsey teeth, big noses, hemophilia because relatives are allowed
to sleep together. Would banning beds stop the inbreeding?
Sarah Ehrett
2011-01-06 02:57:23 UTC
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 16:46:33 -0700, Sander Fraudman
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Guns don't commit crimes, people do. That's like saying UK men and women
have horsey teeth, big noses, hemophilia because relatives are allowed
to sleep together. Would banning beds stop the inbreeding?
LOL. The inbreeding among the Brits might be scandalous if it wasn't for
their royals being some of the most inbred fuckheads on the planet. Queen
Lizard is marrying off grandson Wills to a commoner this spring. At last
some more good genes infused into that bunch of royal knuckle draggers.
Greg Procter
2011-01-06 03:04:49 UTC
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 16:46:33 -0700, Sander Fraudman
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Guns don't commit crimes, people do. That's like saying UK men and women
have horsey teeth, big noses, hemophilia because relatives are allowed
to sleep together. Would banning beds stop the inbreeding?
LOL. The inbreeding among the Brits might be scandalous if it wasn't for
their royals being some of the most inbred fuckheads on the planet. Queen
Lizard is marrying off grandson Wills to a commoner this spring. At last
some more good genes infused into that bunch of royal knuckle draggers.
Nearly as inbred as the Kennedys!
Sarah Ehrett
2011-01-06 03:16:52 UTC
Post by Greg Procter
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 16:46:33 -0700, Sander Fraudman
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Guns don't commit crimes, people do. That's like saying UK men and women
have horsey teeth, big noses, hemophilia because relatives are allowed
to sleep together. Would banning beds stop the inbreeding?
LOL. The inbreeding among the Brits might be scandalous if it wasn't for
their royals being some of the most inbred fuckheads on the planet. Queen
Lizard is marrying off grandson Wills to a commoner this spring. At last
some more good genes infused into that bunch of royal knuckle draggers.
Nearly as inbred as the Kennedys!
Who of the Kennedy's are inbred?
2011-01-06 04:45:20 UTC
Post by Greg Procter
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 16:46:33 -0700, Sander Fraudman
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Guns don't commit crimes, people do. That's like saying UK men and women
have horsey teeth, big noses, hemophilia because relatives are allowed
to sleep together. Would banning beds stop the inbreeding?
LOL. The inbreeding among the Brits might be scandalous if it wasn't for
their royals being some of the most inbred fuckheads on the planet. Queen
Lizard is marrying off grandson Wills to a commoner this spring. At last
some more good genes infused into that bunch of royal knuckle draggers.
Nearly as inbred as the Kennedys!
At least most of the Royal family comport themselves with style and
That can't be said about the Kennedy's
Sander Fraudman
2011-01-06 05:20:41 UTC
Post by Tankfixer
Post by Greg Procter
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 16:46:33 -0700, Sander Fraudman
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Guns don't commit crimes, people do. That's like saying UK men and women
have horsey teeth, big noses, hemophilia because relatives are allowed
to sleep together. Would banning beds stop the inbreeding?
LOL. The inbreeding among the Brits might be scandalous if it wasn't for
their royals being some of the most inbred fuckheads on the planet. Queen
Lizard is marrying off grandson Wills to a commoner this spring. At last
some more good genes infused into that bunch of royal knuckle draggers.
Nearly as inbred as the Kennedys!
At least most of the Royal family comport themselves with style and
That can't be said about the Kennedy's
Old Joe Kennedy sold materials to the Nazi's when we were at war with
them. He was a smuggler during prohibition, and he had his independent
daughter lobotomized to bring her into line. Teddy was a ball less
coward and ne'r do well liberal. The rest were just Commies.
Sarah Ehrett
2011-01-06 16:52:54 UTC
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 22:20:41 -0700, Sander Fraudman
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by Tankfixer
Post by Greg Procter
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 16:46:33 -0700, Sander Fraudman
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Guns don't commit crimes, people do. That's like saying UK men and women
have horsey teeth, big noses, hemophilia because relatives are allowed
to sleep together. Would banning beds stop the inbreeding?
LOL. The inbreeding among the Brits might be scandalous if it wasn't for
their royals being some of the most inbred fuckheads on the planet. Queen
Lizard is marrying off grandson Wills to a commoner this spring. At last
some more good genes infused into that bunch of royal knuckle draggers.
Nearly as inbred as the Kennedys!
At least most of the Royal family comport themselves with style and
That can't be said about the Kennedy's
Old Joe Kennedy sold materials to the Nazi's when we were at war with
them. He was a smuggler during prohibition, and he had his independent
daughter lobotomized to bring her into line. Teddy was a ball less
coward and ne'r do well liberal. The rest were just Commies.
Read this on one of the political forums. < Paraphrased >: " that Shriver
bitch certainly turned Arnie into a liberal POS..." .
Sarah Ehrett
2011-01-06 16:49:49 UTC
Post by Tankfixer
Post by Greg Procter
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 16:46:33 -0700, Sander Fraudman
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Guns don't commit crimes, people do. That's like saying UK men and women
have horsey teeth, big noses, hemophilia because relatives are allowed
to sleep together. Would banning beds stop the inbreeding?
LOL. The inbreeding among the Brits might be scandalous if it wasn't for
their royals being some of the most inbred fuckheads on the planet. Queen
Lizard is marrying off grandson Wills to a commoner this spring. At last
some more good genes infused into that bunch of royal knuckle draggers.
Nearly as inbred as the Kennedys!
At least most of the Royal family comport themselves with style and
grace. That can't be said about the Kennedy's

Yeah but we love our Kennedy rapists, drunks, and murderers....
2011-01-06 16:58:49 UTC
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Tankfixer
Post by Greg Procter
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 16:46:33 -0700, Sander Fraudman
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Guns don't commit crimes, people do. That's like saying UK men and women
have horsey teeth, big noses, hemophilia because relatives are allowed
to sleep together. Would banning beds stop the inbreeding?
LOL. The inbreeding among the Brits might be scandalous if it wasn't for
their royals being some of the most inbred fuckheads on the planet. Queen
Lizard is marrying off grandson Wills to a commoner this spring. At last
some more good genes infused into that bunch of royal knuckle draggers.
Nearly as inbred as the Kennedys!
At least most of the Royal family comport themselves with style and
grace. That can't be said about the Kennedy's
Yeah but we love our Kennedy rapists, drunks, and murderers....
Name one convicted of one of those crimes.
Sarah Ehrett
2011-01-06 17:05:27 UTC
Post by Lookout
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Tankfixer
Post by Greg Procter
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 16:46:33 -0700, Sander Fraudman
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Guns don't commit crimes, people do. That's like saying UK men and women
have horsey teeth, big noses, hemophilia because relatives are allowed
to sleep together. Would banning beds stop the inbreeding?
LOL. The inbreeding among the Brits might be scandalous if it wasn't for
their royals being some of the most inbred fuckheads on the planet. Queen
Lizard is marrying off grandson Wills to a commoner this spring. At last
some more good genes infused into that bunch of royal knuckle draggers.
Nearly as inbred as the Kennedys!
At least most of the Royal family comport themselves with style and
grace. That can't be said about the Kennedy's
Yeah but we love our Kennedy rapists, drunks, and murderers....
Name one convicted of one of those crimes.
Patrick Kennedy pleads Guilty to DUI.
2011-01-06 17:46:35 UTC
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Lookout
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Tankfixer
Post by Greg Procter
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 16:46:33 -0700, Sander Fraudman
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Guns don't commit crimes, people do. That's like saying UK men and women
have horsey teeth, big noses, hemophilia because relatives are allowed
to sleep together. Would banning beds stop the inbreeding?
LOL. The inbreeding among the Brits might be scandalous if it wasn't for
their royals being some of the most inbred fuckheads on the planet. Queen
Lizard is marrying off grandson Wills to a commoner this spring. At last
some more good genes infused into that bunch of royal knuckle draggers.
Nearly as inbred as the Kennedys!
At least most of the Royal family comport themselves with style and
grace. That can't be said about the Kennedy's
Yeah but we love our Kennedy rapists, drunks, and murderers....
Name one convicted of one of those crimes.
Patrick Kennedy pleads Guilty to DUI.
You said: "rapists, drunks, and murderers"

Patrick Kennedy was convicted of "driving under the influence of
prescription drugs". There is nothing about rape, murder or drunk.

So you lied. Why?
Why do conservatives constantly feel the need to lie?
What is your problem?
Sander Fraudman
2011-01-06 18:46:41 UTC
Post by Lookout
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Lookout
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Tankfixer
Post by Greg Procter
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 16:46:33 -0700, Sander Fraudman
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Guns don't commit crimes, people do. That's like saying UK men and women
have horsey teeth, big noses, hemophilia because relatives are allowed
to sleep together. Would banning beds stop the inbreeding?
LOL. The inbreeding among the Brits might be scandalous if it wasn't for
their royals being some of the most inbred fuckheads on the planet. Queen
Lizard is marrying off grandson Wills to a commoner this spring. At last
some more good genes infused into that bunch of royal knuckle draggers.
Nearly as inbred as the Kennedys!
At least most of the Royal family comport themselves with style and
grace. That can't be said about the Kennedy's
Yeah but we love our Kennedy rapists, drunks, and murderers....
Name one convicted of one of those crimes.
Patrick Kennedy pleads Guilty to DUI.
You said: "rapists, drunks, and murderers"
Patrick Kennedy was convicted of "driving under the influence of
prescription drugs". There is nothing about rape, murder or drunk.
So you lied. Why?
Why do conservatives constantly feel the need to lie?
What is your problem?
You forgot about Teddy killing Mary Jo Kopeckne.
2011-01-06 19:19:06 UTC
On Thu, 06 Jan 2011 11:46:41 -0700, Sander Fraudman
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by Lookout
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Lookout
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Tankfixer
Post by Greg Procter
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 16:46:33 -0700, Sander Fraudman
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Guns don't commit crimes, people do. That's like saying UK men and women
have horsey teeth, big noses, hemophilia because relatives are allowed
to sleep together. Would banning beds stop the inbreeding?
LOL. The inbreeding among the Brits might be scandalous if it wasn't for
their royals being some of the most inbred fuckheads on the planet. Queen
Lizard is marrying off grandson Wills to a commoner this spring. At last
some more good genes infused into that bunch of royal knuckle draggers.
Nearly as inbred as the Kennedys!
At least most of the Royal family comport themselves with style and
grace. That can't be said about the Kennedy's
Yeah but we love our Kennedy rapists, drunks, and murderers....
Name one convicted of one of those crimes.
Patrick Kennedy pleads Guilty to DUI.
You said: "rapists, drunks, and murderers"
Patrick Kennedy was convicted of "driving under the influence of
prescription drugs". There is nothing about rape, murder or drunk.
So you lied. Why?
Why do conservatives constantly feel the need to lie?
What is your problem?
You forgot about Teddy killing Mary Jo Kopeckne.
He wasn't charged, tried or convicted of being drunk, raping or
murdering. You lied again. Why do you lie so much? Why do
CONSERVATIVES lie so much?

Message-ID: <ig52l4$6kr$***@tioat.net>
And you're a whiney troll
Steve Smith
2011-01-06 18:04:59 UTC
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Lookout
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Tankfixer
Post by Greg Procter
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 16:46:33 -0700, Sander Fraudman
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Guns don't commit crimes, people do. That's like saying UK men and women
have horsey teeth, big noses, hemophilia because relatives are allowed
to sleep together. Would banning beds stop the inbreeding?
LOL. The inbreeding among the Brits might be scandalous if it wasn't for
their royals being some of the most inbred fuckheads on the planet. Queen
Lizard is marrying off grandson Wills to a commoner this spring. At last
some more good genes infused into that bunch of royal knuckle draggers.
Nearly as inbred as the Kennedys!
At least most of the Royal family comport themselves with style and
grace. That can't be said about the Kennedy's
Yeah but we love our Kennedy rapists, drunks, and murderers....
Name one convicted of one of those crimes.
Patrick Kennedy pleads Guilty to DUI.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Skakel convicted of MURDER!
"Skakel is the nephew of Ethel Skakel Kennedy, the widow of Senator
Robert F. Kennedy."
Close enough for me!

yeah yeah yeah he was acquitted, but everyone knows he really did it.
Sander Fraudman
2011-01-06 18:45:56 UTC
Post by Lookout
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Tankfixer
Post by Greg Procter
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 16:46:33 -0700, Sander Fraudman
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Guns don't commit crimes, people do. That's like saying UK men and women
have horsey teeth, big noses, hemophilia because relatives are allowed
to sleep together. Would banning beds stop the inbreeding?
LOL. The inbreeding among the Brits might be scandalous if it wasn't for
their royals being some of the most inbred fuckheads on the planet. Queen
Lizard is marrying off grandson Wills to a commoner this spring. At last
some more good genes infused into that bunch of royal knuckle draggers.
Nearly as inbred as the Kennedys!
At least most of the Royal family comport themselves with style and
grace. That can't be said about the Kennedy's
Yeah but we love our Kennedy rapists, drunks, and murderers....
Name one convicted of one of those crimes.
Teddy, in Chappaquidick, but the court was bought and paid for so he
didn't get any jail time. The family paid in spades for their
transgressions and are to be pitied.
2011-01-06 19:17:24 UTC
On Thu, 06 Jan 2011 11:45:56 -0700, Sander Fraudman
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by Lookout
Post by Sarah Ehrett
Post by Tankfixer
Post by Greg Procter
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 16:46:33 -0700, Sander Fraudman
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Guns don't commit crimes, people do. That's like saying UK men and women
have horsey teeth, big noses, hemophilia because relatives are allowed
to sleep together. Would banning beds stop the inbreeding?
LOL. The inbreeding among the Brits might be scandalous if it wasn't for
their royals being some of the most inbred fuckheads on the planet. Queen
Lizard is marrying off grandson Wills to a commoner this spring. At last
some more good genes infused into that bunch of royal knuckle draggers.
Nearly as inbred as the Kennedys!
At least most of the Royal family comport themselves with style and
grace. That can't be said about the Kennedy's
Yeah but we love our Kennedy rapists, drunks, and murderers....
Name one convicted of one of those crimes.
Teddy, in Chappaquidick, but the court was bought and paid for so he
didn't get any jail time. The family paid in spades for their
transgressions and are to be pitied.
He wasn't charged with rape, murder or of being drunk.

So you lied again just like the typical conservative.

Message-ID: <ig52l4$6kr$***@tioat.net>

And you're a whiney troll and you're filtered.
Sander Fraudman
2011-01-06 05:17:39 UTC
Post by Greg Procter
Post by Sarah Ehrett
On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 16:46:33 -0700, Sander Fraudman
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Guns don't commit crimes, people do. That's like saying UK men and women
have horsey teeth, big noses, hemophilia because relatives are allowed
to sleep together. Would banning beds stop the inbreeding?
LOL. The inbreeding among the Brits might be scandalous if it wasn't for
their royals being some of the most inbred fuckheads on the planet. Queen
Lizard is marrying off grandson Wills to a commoner this spring. At last
some more good genes infused into that bunch of royal knuckle draggers.
Nearly as inbred as the Kennedys!
Nearly, maybe more.
2011-01-06 02:44:14 UTC
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing on a
daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
No, just poofter Limeys
RD Sandman
2011-01-06 18:06:42 UTC
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is
reportedly holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on
the grounds of Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of
thing on a daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
Nope, it makes interesting reading. Even folks like you are drawn to it.
Sleep well tonight,

RD (The Sandman)

History shows that today's bailout will become
tomorrow's entitlement.
Gray Ghost
2011-01-06 21:07:32 UTC
Post by dave brooker
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is
reportedly holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the
grounds of Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again.
Same old story, innit, Americas lax gun laws lead to this sort of thing
on a daily basis.
Don't people tire of all this guncrime?
No, we tire of idiots.
Democrat donkey pontificating:

Americans only oppose Obama because they are racist....
Americans were against the stiumulus because they are uneducated....
Americans oppose socialism because they are greedy....
Americans are against Obamacare because they are stupid....
Americans are opposed to the Ground Zero mosque because they are bigots....
I just can't figure why Americans are opposed to us.

Maybe 'cuz we're racist, uneducated, greedy, stupid bigots.
Or maybe it's 'cuz you morons sound like Nazis talking about Jews in the
Sander Fraudman
2011-01-05 23:36:08 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Hostages Taken After Chandler Mall Shootout
CHANDLER, Ariz. -- A man involved in a shootout with police is reportedly
holding two hostages inside a Baja Fresh restaurant on the grounds of
Chandler Fashion Mall.
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround the
scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself and/or runs
out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy? Don't be silly.
One of them might get hurt or something.
They caught him. He was just another cowardly illegal Mexican out on
bond, trying invade the White man's world where he isn't wanted or needed.
Michelle Steiner
2011-01-06 05:58:04 UTC
Post by Sander Fraudman
They caught him. He was just another cowardly illegal Mexican out on
Wrong; he wasn't the guy out on bond. He was someone else. Why do you say
he was an illegal? There's nothing in the news reports to indicate that he

And the guy out on bond had been in the custody of the Maricopa Sheriff's
office; if he were an illegal, Sheriff Joe would have known.

Xenophobic racist scum like you are destroying the USA, you un-American
piece of trash.
Tea Party Patriots is to Patriotism as
People's Democratic Republic is to Democracy.
Sander Fraudman
2011-01-06 18:50:43 UTC
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Sander Fraudman
They caught him. He was just another cowardly illegal Mexican out on
Wrong; he wasn't the guy out on bond. He was someone else. Why do you say
he was an illegal? There's nothing in the news reports to indicate that he
They are all illegal unless the news says they are a US citizen to
placate the public.
Post by Michelle Steiner
And the guy out on bond had been in the custody of the Maricopa Sheriff's
office; if he were an illegal, Sheriff Joe would have known.
It was Pinal County. Sheriff Joe is in Maricopa County.
Post by Michelle Steiner
Xenophobic racist scum like you are destroying the USA, you un-American
piece of trash.
I'm not a racist, I like Sheriff Joe and most White people.
Michelle Steiner
2011-01-06 19:56:08 UTC
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by Michelle Steiner
And the guy out on bond had been in the custody of the Maricopa
Sheriff's office; if he were an illegal, Sheriff Joe would have known.
It was Pinal County. Sheriff Joe is in Maricopa County.
Sheriff Joe had custody of him, and then turned him over to Pinal County.
Tea Party Patriots is to Patriotism as
People's Democratic Republic is to Democracy.
Michelle Steiner
2011-01-06 05:50:20 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround the
scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself and/or
runs out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy? Don't
be silly. One of them might get hurt or something.
Negotiators were in contact with the man in Baja Fresh during the
standoff, and just before 3 p.m. Hernandez came outside, took his
shirt off and laid on the ground as he was surrounded by police.

He was talked into surrendering, and no one was injured. Fortunately, the
police didn't rush the guy, which could have caused him to panic and shoot
the hostages.
Tea Party Patriots is to Patriotism as
People's Democratic Republic is to Democracy.
2011-01-06 14:18:12 UTC
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround the
scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself and/or
runs out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy? Don't
be silly. One of them might get hurt or something.
Negotiators were in contact with the man in Baja Fresh during the
standoff, and just before 3 p.m. Hernandez came outside, took his
shirt off and laid on the ground as he was surrounded by police.
He was talked into surrendering, and no one was injured. Fortunately, the
police didn't rush the guy, which could have caused him to panic and shoot
the hostages.
Screwballs will continue to take hostages since they've learned that they
won't get killed for it. It's called Positive Reinforcement.
Sander Fraudman
2011-01-06 18:52:31 UTC
Post by Phxbrd
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround the
scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself and/or
runs out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy? Don't
be silly. One of them might get hurt or something.
Negotiators were in contact with the man in Baja Fresh during the
standoff, and just before 3 p.m. Hernandez came outside, took his
shirt off and laid on the ground as he was surrounded by police.
He was talked into surrendering, and no one was injured. Fortunately, the
police didn't rush the guy, which could have caused him to panic and shoot
the hostages.
Screwballs will continue to take hostages since they've learned that they
won't get killed for it. It's called Positive Reinforcement.
Glad to see you come around and advocate killing Mexican scumbags.
Sander Fraudman
2011-01-06 18:51:54 UTC
Post by Michelle Steiner
Post by Phxbrd
Here we go again. Cowards in black Ninja combat suits will surround the
scene until the perp kills everyone in sight including himself and/or
runs out of ammo and surrenders. Do their job and rush the guy? Don't
be silly. One of them might get hurt or something.
Negotiators were in contact with the man in Baja Fresh during the
standoff, and just before 3 p.m. Hernandez came outside, took his
shirt off and laid on the ground as he was surrounded by police.
He was talked into surrendering, and no one was injured. Fortunately, the
police didn't rush the guy, which could have caused him to panic and shoot
the hostages.
True, those Mexican criminals are unpredictable except for their
cowardliness and immaturity.
Michelle Steiner
2011-01-06 19:54:17 UTC
Post by Sander Fraudman
Post by Michelle Steiner
He was talked into surrendering, and no one was injured. Fortunately,
the police didn't rush the guy, which could have caused him to panic
and shoot the hostages.
True, those Mexican criminals are unpredictable except for their
cowardliness and immaturity.
And you are totally predictable, especially your cowardice and immaturity.
Tea Party Patriots is to Patriotism as
People's Democratic Republic is to Democracy.
Continue reading on narkive: